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Qarshiyeva Mushtariy Tolibovna


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various aspects of education, including language learning. This article explores the use of AI to enhance speaking skills in language learners. By leveraging AI-powered tools such as speech recognition, pronunciation feedback, and conversational agents, learners can receive personalized and immediate feedback, practice in a risk-free environment, and engage in interactive speaking exercises. This article examines the theoretical foundations, benefits, and practical strategies for integrating AI into speaking instruction. Through analysis and case studies, we demonstrate how AI can significantly improve learners' speaking abilities and overall language proficiency.

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How to Cite
Qarshiyeva Mushtariy Tolibovna. (2024). UTILIZING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS IN LANGUAGE LEARNING. THEORY OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES OF WHOLE WORLD, 4(2), 35–38. Retrieved from https://esiconf.com/index.php/TOSROWW/article/view/1052


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